45 per hour
Just want a massage? A Relaxing Massage is a fairly standard massage, and what most people go for. It's an all-around treatment, but always adapted to your individual needs.
Massage works on the soft tissue of your body, easing muscular tension, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation. It brings blood and oxygen to the treated areas which assists in the rehabilitation and recovery of injuries, and of course can help you to relax and unwind.
All our bodies and lifestyles are unique. We've all got our own stresses and we all carry tension in different parts of our body. Everything's connected, and massage is especially well suited for treating physical problems as well as mental or emotional ones. Regular massage helps to keep everything in balance.
45 per hour
Seated Massage is performed on a specialised massage chair that takes the weight off of the spine and gives excellent access to acupressure points along the back, neck, head and arms. The design of the chair is easily adapted to each individual and allows for a good level of pressure to be easily applied. The massage is also applied through most clothes, and is the treatment that I most commonly perform at offices and workplaces.
The benefits of this massage are also especially well-suited for people who work long hours at a desk, easing tension and relaxing the muscles that suffer most from such a lifestyle. It can also ease eye strain and headaches, whilst of course being incredibly relaxing and stress-reducing.
55 per hour
Anyone who exercises regularly may find some benefit from Sports Massage. Focused and systematic techniques are used to target muscle groups in need of rehabilitation or recovery. Such techniques include effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), compression, vibration, stretching and attention to trigger points. Sports Massage can be used to decrease pain, speed up recovery, and improve flexibility and range of motion by increasing blood flow to the area and assisting removal of lactic acid. The same techniques can also be useful for those with chronic neck or lower back pain.
Deep tissue massage also uses these techniques, but is usually applied across the whole body rather than a specific site. The pressure applied is greater than that of a relaxing massage, and can be used to offer relief from conditions such as fibromyalgia, sciatica, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and high blood pressure. The suitability of any treatment will always be discussed at the initial consultation.
45 per hour
Indian Head Massage is based upon Ayurvedic principles that emphasise the importance of balance, and has been practised for at least 2500 years, traditionally passed on from mothers to their daughters. In India it is commonly given at weddings and births, as well as at the barber's!
This massage is perfect for those with tension in their head, face, neck or shoulders, as well as sufferers of sinusitis or those with tired and puffy eyes from too much screen time. By boosting circulation in these areas it can also help to relieve migraines and insomnia as well as combating anxiety and depression, treating swelling, promoting hair growth, and even improving memory.